My 8 takeaways from 2019

My 8 takeaways from 2019

It’s a wrap 2019 has been nothing short of eventful for me. I observed the downfall of a once-promising start-up from the inside, and I had to drive crisis communications to manage leadership change and organizational movement. Subsequently, I pursued my passion for...

Be alone, on purpose

Be alone, on purpose

Many of us are afraid of being alone. We grew up associating happiness with group of people, and being alone is often stigmatized and misunderstood. We live in a noisy world.  Emails, information from the media, including social media bombard and crowd our minds with...

The bliss of doing nothing – Dolce Far Niente

The bliss of doing nothing – Dolce Far Niente

We have been looking forward to enjoy a lovely summer day at the Isola Del Giglio, an island in the Tuscan Archipelago. It celebrates Festa di San Mamiliano, where there were processions, dancing, food and even donkey race. In true Italian hospitality, our Italian...

What traveling inspires me about living well

What traveling inspires me about living well

I enjoy traveling. Traveling lets me get away from the daily humdrum and perpetual rush in life. Each trip presents new adventures, new discoveries, and new friends. I was recently away in Italy attending a wedding and took the chance to escape to the beautiful hills...

Fixing work-life balance

Fixing work-life balance

My "life" blog articles are often inspired by questions other asked me, and work-life balance is a hot topic “What do you define as personal and work?” “How to draw the line between personal life and work?” “What does work-life balance look like?” Why do many of us...

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