You’ve probably heard of the 4Ps of marketing in your marketing textbook – Product, Price, Place, and Promotion.

For a long time, these four elements were the core of any marketing strategy. But as businesses evolved and customer expectations shifted, the 4Ps weren’t enough to keep up.

Enter the  additional 3Ps—People, Process, and Physical Evidence—three elements that are now more critical than ever in shaping customer experiences and standing out in today’s market.

Did you know that The 7Ps of marketing was coined by E. Jerome McCarthy, an American marketing professor back in 1981 to address the needs of the service industry. However, the last 3Ps were not being taught in business school until later!

The Original 4Ps: The Foundation of Marketing

Product: This is what you’re offering. It must solve a problem or meet a need for your customers, and the value has to be clear.

Price: How much will people pay for your product? Pricing reflects how you position your brand—too cheap, and it may look low-quality; too expensive, and you could lose customers.

Place: This is where your product is available. Are you online, in physical stores, or both? Your product must be easy to access wherever your customers prefer to shop.

Promotion: This is how you let people know about your product. Whether through ads, social media, or PR, it’s about getting the right message in front of the right people.

While these 4Ps are important building blocks, in today’s world, they don’t paint the full picture.

The New 3Ps

People: The Human Element Behind Every Brand

From customer service reps to your sales team, People are critical in shaping how customers perceive your brand.

Customers don’t just want a good product; they want a good experience.

Friendly, knowledgeable people who care about customer needs can set you apart from competitors.

Process: Making It Smooth and Scalable

Process refers to how smoothly and efficiently your product or service is delivered. In many ways, it’s the backbone of customer experience.

Whether it’s an easy checkout process or a quick response to customer inquiries, a streamlined process is what keeps customers coming back.

You see, customers expect things to be fast and hassle-free. A smooth process not only improves their experience but also boosts efficiency and scalability for your business.

Physical Evidence: Making Your Brand Tangible

Physical Evidence is what makes your brand real and tangible to customers.

It could be your product packaging, your website design, or even the environment of your store. This is how your brand leaves a lasting impression.

Customers need to feel like they can trust your brand!

Consistent and high-quality physical evidence helps build that trust and makes your brand memorable. As such, every touchpoint—from your packaging to your website—should reflect your brand’s quality and values.

The Last 3Ps Are the Real Game-Changers

In the experience economy, customers care as much about how they feel interacting with your brand as they do about the product itself.

Here’s why mastering the last 3Ps is key to success:

  • People: The right team turns transactions into relationships.
  • Process: A smooth, seamless experience reduces friction, making customers more likely to return and recommend your brand.
  • Physical Evidence: Tangible proof of your brand’s quality leaves a lasting impression, building trust and loyalty.

When businesses focus on delivering exceptional experiences through the last 3Ps, they set themselves apart from competitors who are stuck only focusing on the traditional 4Ps.

The Critical Shift in Marketing

The 7Ps of marketing now has introduced a new focus to build better customer experiences.

Mastering these three elements can turn your business into a brand that not only attracts customers but keeps them coming back for more.

In the age of experience, the 3Ps often outweigh the 4Ps in delivering long-term success.

This article is written by Christina Lim, the author of the book Not a Marketing Textbook.

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